Who are we

Detective  agency “ Dea Detective” is legally licensed detective agency registered in the Republic of Macedonia. Detective agency “DEA Detective” provides services in accordance with the Law on Detective Activities (Official Gazzete of Macedonia,no 80/99). No. 10.2-68095-13 issued by Ministry of Internal affairs of Macedonia
Owner of the agency has many years of experience in this field. For some areas there are suitable diplomas and certificates.


DEA DETECTIVE - Detective agency provides professional and discreet investigation services for physical and legal entities as well corporate businesses. We are an agency dedicated to uncover the truth. We can discover facts and provide evidence so that you can take the right decision. DEA DETECTIVE - Detective agency is qualified to offer detective services in the territory of the Macedonia and abroad. DEA DETECTIVE makes use of services provided by many experts of different fields in order to accomplish its assignments. DEA DETECTIVE treats your call with discretion, understanding, and professionalism with the objective to help you by analyzing your request and finding the best possible solution through providing the required information for successful fulfillment of the assignment and having satisfied clients.
DEA DETECTIVE guarantees maximum professionalism, efficiency and full discretion in accomplishing its assignment.


As a professional detective agency, DEA DETECTIVE provides a wide range of services, such as:
  • Discreet surveillance of people and facilities;
  • Verification of individuals, collaborating companies, business partners, competitors;
  • Investigation of insurance fraud;
  • Discovering person’s identity and residence address;
  • Providing facts (infidelity, drug abuse, minor delinquency, sects, family violence etc.);
  • Biography verification;
  • ​Verification of legal entities’ activities up to
  • Corporate and business investigations
These activities are part of our services which aim to fulfill your requests within your financial means, regardless of the nature of the case and location.

DEA DETECTIVE makes use of services provided by many experts of different fields.
We treat your call with full discretion, understanding, and professionalism.


The most important part of detective's activity in his job is his ID card.
Every private detective has to hold an ID card to exercise the detective activity and it includes the name and surname, Unique Personal Identification Number and the serial number of the detective ID card as well as the exact rights and duties of the detective in accordance with the Law on Detective Activity.
Additionally to being required in proving the status of a private detective, the ID card also facilitates the job of a professional by helping him build legitimacy and confidentiality with the client.
Every detective is obliged to carry it and to legitimize himself in front of the client.

DEA DETECTIVE guarantees maximum professionalism, efficiency and full discretion in accomplishing its assignments.