The private detective who owns a license and ID card, performs the activity upon request and with special authorization-power of attorney from the client of the detective service.
According to the Law on Detective Activity, in order for the private detective to initiate a process of collecting data and information about the client of the detective service, according to the law, a written contract between the contractor of the detective service and the detective agency as a service provider should be previously concluded and a special written authorization by the client should be given. The content of the written contract must include all the essential elements: the specification of the type of service (what is required and what is being offered), the mutual obligations, the time of execution and the costs, and other details necessary for the specific case. The authorization should include data on the client of the detective service, data on the service provider and the contract reference number. The agreement and the power of attorney are conditions that must be simultaneously fulfilled. The documentation (contract) is prepared in two copies, one for the client of the detective service, the other for the detective service provider, and the authorization is prepared in one copy and it is kept by the detective. The detective must not conclude agreement contact for the performance of activities that are not permitted by the Law on Detective Activity and which would endanger human rights and freedom of others.
Before concluding the contract, it is significant that the detective assesses whether there are objective conditions for the service to be performed and whether the requested service is not illegal and conflicts with the moral norms. In no case should the request for a specific service be accepted quickly and easily by the rule "No problem". In addition, all the potential and real problems that are an integral part of the profession of a private investigator must be provided to the contracting party, as well as to indicate that the result cannot be guaranteed, but that only those costs which were necessary will be charged.
Authorized persons in the legislative, executive and judicial government, as well as the bodies of local self-government and legal entities with public authorizations have the obligation to provide data to the private investigator within a reasonable time. If the authorized person refuses to provide data, he must explain the reasons therefor. The private detective only collects data on behalf of the client (the client of a detective service), so he has the same right of access to data as the client the detective concluded a contract with for the particular case.
The private investigator is obliged to inform the client about the course of work in realtion to the agreed service. Upon completion of the investigation, all collected data are compiled in a written report that is handed to the client of the detective service. The data that is not documented and irrelevant to the agreed work is destroyed.